Away Kitchen & Cafe
“Super convenient! A smart way to connect with influencers and manage the interactions.”
- Roger Y. Owner of Away Kitchen and Cafe
Sector: Restaurant
Duration: 7 Days
Plan: Starter Plan
Impact of the Campaign
Campaign Story
Away Kitchen & Café is a restaurant in Downtown Toronto, created by the team from Awai Restaurant. They offer a unique vegan menu that offers all things fresh and healthy in a relaxed atmosphere. To promote the opening of their Queen Street West location, Away Kitchen + Café collaborated with Node to run a week-long campaign.
Away Kitchen + Café leveraged Node App’s vegan and vegetarian influencers to appeal to their niche audience. The campaign invited 12 influencers to capture photos of their plant-based pizzas. Their vegan pizzas were a hit and they achieved over 40k impressions and 4k interactions in 1 week. Over 20 different photos and Instagram stories were shared by vegan and vegetarian creators and their guests, tagging @awaykitchencafe.
This article highlights several vegan/vegetarian restaurants in the Toronto area, including Away Kitchen!