Masque Bar
“Our mission is to take you beyond what you will find today in stores and spas. ”
Sector: Beauty
Duration: 4 Weeks
Plan: Growth
Impact of the Campaign
- 150K+Views
- 14Creators
- 8KComments & likes
- 15+Posts Shared
- 20+Stories
Campaign Story
Masque Bar is a brand by Look Beauty. Developed in Korea, they offer special sheet masques are made with serums and essences for skin treatment and rejuvenation.
Masque Bar activated 14 different beauty and lifestyle influencers over the span of 4 weeks. The selected influencers each received a Masque Bar kit that contained $40 worth of products.
Through their product gifting campaign, they were able to generate over 30 pieces of content across Instagram and TikTok, which grossed over 100,000 unique impressions.